So Now Go Tell

So Now Go Tell

Product information

July 28th 2023

After reaching a crisis point at 40, Jenny Watson is offered her dream job running a Shakespeare festival at a Tudor pub. She can hardly believe her luck at this brilliant new start, and chance to escape her unhappy past. The job isn’t all it seems, however. The pub is remote and her mysterious boss is permanently absent; there’s a 400 year old skull residing in the cellar; and the local actors are less than enthusiastic over her boss’s choice of play. Then there’s the growing conviction that someone’s watching her. Strange messages, withheld calls and shadows on the windows spike temporary attacks of stress-related blindness as she clings to her last chance to live her dream.

But as the dark play she’s directing starts to unravel the secrets she’d sworn never to tell, Jenny realises she’s not at the pub by chance . . . and soon she finds herself the leading lady in a nightmare replay of her past.


Customer reviews

'Page turner!' (Amazon review 13/8/23)

Dee Denehan (Amazon Review, 13/8/23)

As a lover of Shakespeare and mystery this was the ideal book for me. A page turner from start to finish and beautifully written. Kept me hooked until the very end.

'Amazing book, couldn't put it down, gripping as finished in one sitting' (Amazon review 4/8/23)

Amanda-Jane Savage (Amazon Review 4/8/23)

Having received an advance copy of this bok to review, I found once I had started this book I couldn't put it down and finished it in one sitting. This book is about Jenny Watson who has recently lost her job and who has a love of Shakespeare her new job appeaers to be everything that Jenny has always wanted, a chance to direct a Shakespeare play by holding a Shakespeare festival and to bring an old pub and village back to life with the help of her new friends. But what appears to be the chance of a lifetime soon turns out to be a nightmare, with a lot of mysterious things happening around the pub and also having to use a play which resembles Jenny's past. She is then brought face to face with a man from the past who she wishes had remained in the past.

The story had me gripped from the start, with the mystery of what had happened in Jenny's past, and also has me believing that if you have good people around you that no matter what happens, when you need help they will be there for you. I would totally recommend this book if you like a mystery which deals with the past and has twists and turns but makes you realise that you can't hide from your past, no matter how hard you try.


'A page-turning thriller with elements of cosy crime but with darker undertones' - editorial review

Debz Hobbs-Wyatt: author, editor and publisher

A page-turning thriller with elements of cosy crime but with darker undertones . . . 

This is a mystery thriller with a difference. We meet Jenny, who is a strong female protagonist with a secret lurking in her past, one she has tried to leave behind. A magical opportunity is presented to her: a new job in an old pub, though restoring the pub to its former glory is only part of the story. She is asked to resurrect a festival and direct a Shakespeare play, something she relishes. However, as the reader, we are wondering if she can really pull it off. Haunted by events from her past, and with health issues related to her rising anxieties, has she bitten off more than she can chew?

Though her best friend is reluctant to help at first, she soon lends her skills to the task. And pretty soon locals, including actors from the local am dram groups, all come forward to help Jenny. But we are left to wonder if everything is really what it seems. Why is the new owner of the pub, who has created this job, only available online and not in person? And why is he so adamant about what play he wants produced - one that she and the am dram group are resistant to? Add to that the mysterious skull in the cellar and a series of strange events that make Jenny think she is being watched, and the tension slowly builds.

This is a mystery thriller with a difference. What I loved about this novel was the underlying element of dramatic tension, so it is indeed a thriller, but there is more depth of character to this than a simple thriller. There's a sense of friendship and community, so it doesn't all feel dark . . . Jenny feels relatable as do all the characters . . . but soon we feel the unease, for Jenny and for the others as Jenny's secret creeps closer to the surface, alongside the strange events happening around her. We wonder is she indeed being manipulated in some way - and is she in danger? As the stakes rise and it gets closer to producing the play, we start to wonder who we can trust - the handsome stranger and possible love interest (whom Jenny resists), some of the people involved in the play . . . even her best friend? Who do you trust? And why is there a skull in the cellar, and how is his story, the history of the pub and the people of the village related to the choice of play?

The tension holds throughout and we are left guessing and wondering. The use of the past and the author's clear and wonderful insights into Shakespeare, along with the little butterflies at the start of each chapter (from the voice of the Bard himself) makes this a unique and interesting mystery. The writing is sharp, compelling and intrigues you to keep reading.

Highly recommended, an established debut with the feeling that the story is not yet over . . . there is more to come from Jenny and better, more to come from this fabulous author.



'Brilliant read' (Amazon review 30/08/23)

Amazon Customer, 30/08/23

What a fabulous debut novel. The writer transports you in to Jenny's dream with beautiful descriptions, epic character development and story twists.

The Shakespeare element is fascinating and I very much look forward to a series.

'Shakespeare Am Dram and a mystery' (Amazon review 30/7/23)

Bionic Sarah (Amazon Four Star Review, 30/7/23)

I enjoyed this novel which is the story of a woman who takes on an unusual job to bring back a failing old village pub and revive a Shakespeare festival that had taken place there in the past. It's a complex multilayered story, which comes out slowly during the book as we learn more about the narrator's life and why she suffers from intermittent stress related neurological symptoms. There is a tense story of her feeling harassed and stalked by a male stranger and near death episode by drowning.

I review a lot of novels every year for my book and I'm always a bit apprehensive when I read a book by somebody who I know personally. I have met Sue and her husband as part of our local Amateur Dramatics group and knew of her love and knowledge of Shakespeare, having watched two of her productions that she has directed for the group. I didn't know that she was a novelist as well. It was therefore with some trepidation that I picked up the novel and I was delighted when I found myself enjoying it considerably.

This first novel is an accomplished piece of writing, the book is perfectly crafted and has multiple layers to it. I read it in one sitting having bene caught by the story right from the start. The book did take a while to get going, but once it was flowing, and the Shakespeare auditions were in process, the story progressed at a fast rate and had me wanting to know more.

The scenes that I will remember most after reading the novel and that resonated most with me were those where the lead character, Jenny, is directing performances of a scene from Hamlet during the audition process. The necessity of actors understanding that their performance is more than just the words written on the page, as each character has an internal monologue continuously going on in their heads, was described as being a vital process the actor needs to go through to develop their performance. It was beautifully described. 

As well as the background story of the pub and the Shakespeare festival, there were other elements covered in the story as part of the main characters difficult past, some of which were quite traumatic. the author manages to do this with subtlety and skill. The scene with the young child and the mother with the bedwetting, for example, is very traumatic but felt very real. The historical rape scene is also covered very sensitively.

The author's characters are well developed, and I definitely recognised character traits of people that I know within the characters of the novel.

The novel is set in and around Northampton and descriptions, particularly of the old pub where most of the action is set, were highly visual, and I could imagine the novel being brought to life as a TV series in the future.

I enjoyed the Shakespeare element to the story, the Shakespeare quotes at the beginning of each chapter were some I've not seen before, it was not always easy to see how they were linked to the chapter. I know that the author has a special interest and knowledge of Shakespeare's writings. However, I wondered how much the general readership would understand. 

The author has a clear and easily read prose style, making the book an enjoyable experience to read. There are several lines in the novel that I personally resonated with, including 'Theatre fed and washed my soul as nothing else ever had', which the narrator Jenny uses to describe how theatre enriches her life; and another quote regarding Shakespeare's writing: 'an extraordinary playwright, whose iridescent words had brought a roar to my heart that would never be silenced' was rather beautiful.

I do hope that there will be more books about the characters in this novel as it seems to me, it would make a brilliant series of books. I also think it would make a great TV series, it would be lovely if the TV rights were taken up. I for one would also like to see the play that Jenny writes in the novel produced on stage.

I would recommend this novel for those who enjoy domestic thrillers or msteries which are both character and story led. Of the novels I've read recently, I think the one that is most similar is Jance Hallett, The Appeal, a who done it set in the background of an Amateur dramatics society.

This review will appear on Goodreads, Amazon UK, and on my book blog 

'Incredible debut novel' (Amazon review 10/8/23)

Amazon Customer, 10/8/23

. . . was totally hooked before the end of chapter one. The rest of the book certainly did not disappoint. Every character was so believable; Susan's descriptive attentiveness bringing them all to life The plot with all its twists and turns kept my intrigued and on the edge of my seat, to the very end. I love a good book and this is one of the best I have read in a long time.

'Couldn't put it down!' (Amazon review 20/8/23)

Amazon Customer, 20/8/23)

Such a clever book with so many different layers. I took this novel on holiday to read over the course of the week but binge read it in a day. The character development is effortlessly laid out early on and the exciting story line is eloquently twisted with a remarkable knowledge of Shakespeare. 

If you like Shakespeare, crime and romance, look no further! A winning combination!


'Cleverly written mystery with a sprinkle of Shakespeare' (Amazon review 25/8/23)

KEF (Amazon Review, 25/8/23)

I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of this book! Very well written with lovely language and interesting characters. Jenny gets her dream job but is it too good to be true?? I love a mystery and this one did not disappoint. Can see this becoming a series and can't wait to see if there's another installment.

'Gripping, couldn't put it down' (Amazon review 28/7/23)

Bucy123 (Amazon Review 28/7/23)

Quite frankly, a great story, very relateable with fascinating nuggets of Shakespearean history, woven into the story in a really clever but totally accessible way. Really interesting, the author tempts you with parallels and leaves you plenty to think about.

The characters are rounded, the pace is perfectly pitched, and so descriptive, it was like watching a movie in my mind. I laughed, I cried, literally COULD NOT put it down!


'Unique story' - Goodreads review


Jenny Watson is at loose ends when she is offered her dream job running a Shakespeare festival at a pub. She grabs the job without any second thoughts, even though the pub is a shambles and the boss is somewhat of a mystery. When she finds an old skull in the basement, she takes on determining its history while trying to convince the small town that a Shakespearean play would be fun. the problem is, Jenny isn't there by chance and she has a few secrets of her own.

Unique story with some insightful Shakespearean information! If you like a British mystery, a bit of Shakespeare of consider yourself an actor, So Now Go Tell is for you!

'An interesting and engrossing read' (Amazon review 1/9/23)

NH (Amazon Review 1/9/23

I liked this book because it had a real focus using Shakespeare as a basis, with the inerwoven glimpse into the life of the main character, and plenty of drama and relationship interest. It would be good for readers of crime dramas, as well as people interested in theatre. It was an 'easy' read, with many twists and turns, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

'A magnificent debut novel '(Amazon review 11/8/23)

Michael P Ward 11/08/23

The book is a cracking read and the story grabs one's attention in the first couple of pages and doesn't let it go. The powerful start sets the tenor of the book and the various changes of direction really pulls the reader into the narrative. the author's descriptions are wonderful e.g. the car moving 'like a tortoise with a hip replacement', and perhaps the best of them all, a character's fingers being 'as knobbly as fresh root ginger'. 

All this is coupled with how Shakespeare writes and explains the power of the Bard's words and how these can create wonderful pictures in the mind. Who says Shakespeare is boring?! The author's characters are gently and skilfully introduced as we grow to know them, whilst the plot moves intriguingly along.

The reveal of an attack on one of the characters, which has been an elephant in the room throughout, is skilfully and powerfully written and involves great emotional reaction in all the participants, again beautifully bringing a satisfactory denouement to the novel.

A wonderful, absorbing few hours reading . . . a triumph! Here's to the next one!


'Fantastic debut novel!' (Amazon review 8/08/23)

Emma Stone (Amazon Review 8/08/23

I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of this book to review and it had me gripped early on. the story unfolds slowly at first as you meet the characters and foundations are laid for the intrigue that follows, but the pace accelerates as teh story builds, with the odd twist and turn to keep you on your toes!

The writing is so beautifully descriptive, the scenes come alive and you feel as if you can see the surroundings. The characters are believable and likeable so you really care what happens to them, especially the main character Jenny. The emotions throughout the book are tangible; sometimes I swear I could feel my heart rate rising with Jenny's!

I'm very impressed that this is the author's debut novel, her talen is obvious and her passion shines through, especially with the links to Shakespeare (which are beautifully threaded through the story without any need to understand or be a fan of Shakespeare to enjoy!). I can't wait to see what she brings out next.

Goodreads/Netgalley ***** Review 2/10/23

Robin Price

Susan Sachon is a bit of a Shakespeare devotee. Her vast knowledge of the Bard, his world and his writing, informs and illuminates this ambitious debut novel.

This is a richly descriptive, beautifully written story, with a vast and well-drawn cast. The characterisation throughout is Shakespearean in depth and bursting with empathy. The plot is complex and enriched substantially with parallels within Shakespeare's tragedies and historic plays.

Reading this mystery thriller was an emotional roller-coaster; tears were shed; at times it was subtle and subdued, and then violent, vivid and visceral. I absolutely loved Jenny's back story and her journey of self-discovery. I look forward to the next novel in the series.

More than Shakespeare (Goodreads Review 25/9/23)

Josephine Jarman

As a fan of Shakespeare I found this a real gem to read. The story was skilfully woven against Shakespeare. I did feel a knowledge or like of Shakespeare would increase your enjoyment. Jenny is a multilayered character and we get to see her history revealed thoroughly and skilfully always relevant to the story. All the characters she meets are well written. This is more than a story about a woman given a job to run a Shakespeare festival in a rundown pub. It's about finding yourself in the darkest of times, coming to terms with your past and daring to go for your dreams, and all the time helping others.

Thank you netgalley, publisher and author for a solid four star read.


'Brilliant debut novel' (Amazon review 10/8/23)

Amazon Customer, 10/8/23

What an incredible debut novel for Susan Sachon. I had the great privilege of receiving an advance copy of So Now Go Tell and was totally hooked before the end of chapter one. The rest of the book certainly did not disappoint. Every character was so believable; Susan's descriptive attentiveness bringing the all to life. the plot with all its twists and turns kept me intrigued and on the edge of my seat, to the very end. I love a good book and this is one of the best I have read in a long time. What a talent Susan has. I have known her as a first class director of Shakespeare, and now as a gifted author. Well done, Sue, I can't wait to see this on the top seller list and look forward with great anticipation to book number two.

'Fantastic first novel '(Amazon Review 21/9/23)

Kim Rodgers

I have known the author for some time and knowing her love of Shakespeare I knew there would be elements in the book which would reflect this. Indeed it did, and in a very gentle way (especially as I am still "learning" and understanding his words). I loved the Shakespeare quotes at the beginning of each chapter. The book had many layers and it was a slow burner for me until I was hooked and wanting to learn more about Jenny and her past and the journey she was taking. An unexpected twist which I didn't see coming . . . 

A multi-layered storyline unlike anything I have read previously and LOVED it.


'A Great Debut! Shakespeare, AmDram, Mystery and Thrills' (Amazon Review 9/09/23)

Lea Pryer

I was lucky enough to receive an advance reading copy of this book from the author. Knowing her love and expertise in Shakespeare, I was intrigued as to how she would incorporate it into a mystery/thriller, genres I love and am well read in. For a debut novel, I was worried that it might be overly cliched and/or 'run of the mill'. However, I was pleased to find myself caught up in Jenny's story, and that of her new friends and keen to reach the resolution. There was a lot packed into the story. I particularly loved the historical Shakespearean mystery element. 

There was a hint of more books to come which I hope there will be as I felt there was much more story to be had from all characters.

NB: Everyone needs a Mags in their life.


'Excellent' (Amazon review 18/9/23)


Excellent and enjoyable read. Numerous facets to the story. Looking forward to the next one.

'Excellent Book - really enjoyed it. Amazon review 5/9/23


I like a "thriller" and I like Shakespeare so had to give this a go . . . really cleverly written, set against an interesting and unusual backdrop. It was beautifully written, and I had no idea "whodunnit" which is exactly what you want from such a book. Buy it, you'll love it.


'If I'd been writing this review on paper, the ink would be smudged with shed tears' (Amazon review 12/10/23 and Random Things blog tour review)

Veronika Jordan

This started out as one thing and then became another, Poor Jenny is at a loss, divorced, and now made redundant. Then she collapses, and when she wakes up she can't see. It used to be called 'hysterical blindness' I think, which sounds like the kind of nervous disorder that got women locked up in an asylum 100 years ago. It's now referred to as a 'conversion disorder'. Yes, I googled it.

Surprisingly, she's soon offered a job managing an old Tudor pub in the middle of nowhere, but it comes with other responsibilities. the pub used to put on plays a part of its Shakespeare Festival every summer. Now I am a massive Shakespeare fan, ever since I was taken to my primary school to see A Midsummer Night's Dream, performed by the Oxford University Players in the grounds of Alveston Manor, Stratford-Upon-Avon, when I was about eight years old. I was mesmerised.

Anyway, moving on. Jenny moves into the pub (against the advice of her best friend, Mags, who thinks it's al a bit suspicious). The pub is dark and spooky, needs massive renovation, and then there's Henry. But undeterred, Jenny decides to hold auditions for Hamlet and quite a few people are interested. Unfortunately, her new boss and owner of the pub insists on Titus Andronicus and interest wanes.

But I will say one thing. My son has been involved with a professional touring company for over ten years. I once asked them if they ever put on Hamlet. They said no-one would come. Their audiences only want to see the comedies like Dream, As You Like It, Twelfth Night etc. Titus is a no-goer, obviously. Especially when you are eating your picnic on the grass. Ox tongue sandwich anyone?

Part-way through the book, when Jenny joins a self-help group called Speak Out, we begin to learn about her past. And it's harrowing. If I'd been writing this review on paper, the ink would be smudged with shed tears.

What a fabulous book. I adored it. Jenny is such a sympathetic character. She doesn't believe in herself, but others do and so do we. Bravo Jenny. You have friends and I wish I knew you personally. And don't be put off by the Shakespeare stuff. You don't have to love that bard to appreciate the book, whatever some reviewers may say.

'A Shakespearean feast of drama, deception, fear and hope (Amazon review 2/10/23)


Susan Sachon is a bit of a Shakespeare devotee. Her vast knowledge of the Bard, his world and his writing, informs and illuminates this ambitious debut novel. 

This is a richly descriptive, beautifully written story, with a vast and well-drawn cast. The characterisation throughout is Shakespearean in depth and bursting with empathy. The plot is complex and enriched substantially with parallels within Shakespeare's tragedies and historic plays. Reading this mystery thriller was an emotional roller-coaster; tears were shed; at times it was subtle and subdued, and then violent, vivid and visceral. I absolutely loved Jenny's back story and her journey of self-discovery. I look forward to the next novel in the series.

Blog Tour Review (Random Things Tours) 13/10/23, twoladiesandabook


If you enjoy Shakespeare this is the perfect book for you.

Obviously I know who Shakespeare is but I'm not massively knwledgeable about him, so some parts I didn't really get. But regardless of that I still really enjoyed it! I felt Jenny made her decision too quickly and didn't really think about it enough, with moving in and taking the job, but then to be fair, it was pretty much a job made for her, a perfect fit.

She I thought was a really sweet character though, I did like her.


'The novel's many plot twists kept me on my toes' - Blog Tour Review (Random Things Tours) 12/10/23, BookafterBook


A perfect read for this spooky season, this book abounds with secrets and mysteries, and it even features an isolated pub with a resident skull! These two are characters in their own right, just like our main protagonist, Jenny. A woman with a difficult past, you can't help but wish her some good luck at last.

the novel's many plot twists kept me on my toes, and I was fascinated by all the Shakespearean and theatre references. It's clear that the author knows exactly what she's writing about, and her great storytelling skills make me already look forward to her next work.

Three words to describe it: Captivating. Thrilling. Gripping.


'A real treat of a book' - Excerpt from Blog Tour review (Random Things Tours), 10/10/23

My thoughts: apart from all the terrible things Jenny encounters doing her dream job, I'd happily do the same. I am a huge Shakespeare nerd, theatre kid and I studied Titus Andronicus at uni (Hamlet is probably my favourite).

Gripping and at times shocking, I was enthralled with Jenny's story and the research she was doing. I love history and as a literary material culture buff, this was right up my street. I think Jenny and I would get along famously. She's a real survivor and what she has been through is heartbreaking. But there's so much hope and good will for her, that it left me feeling upbeat and pleased. Shakespeare's incredible way with words guides Jenny, and even saves her life. A real treat of a book, in many ways.

'Beautiful, Effortless read' - Goodreads ***** review 11/10/23

Connie Wiltshire

Beautiful, Effortless read. What a story. Highly Recommend.

'a brilliant debut by Sachon . . . an author I'm already looking to read more from' - Goodreads ***** review 11/10/23


I really enjoyed Shakespeare at school and the blurb for this one piqued my interest straight away.

It's a brilliant debut by Sachon and the concept clever. there are many references to the Bard throughout - each chapter starts with a Shakespearean quote header and the story is intertwined with many counterparts of Shakespeare's works.

Tasked with running a Shakespeare Festival at a Tudor public house, Jenny has no idea what awaits her and soon finds herself the leading lady in her own nightmare.

Moderately paced, with well developed characters and a brilliant plot,. The Tudor public house, complete with 400 yr old skull lurking in the cellar added to the atmosphere, givin gme a sense of unease and chill. 

Brilliant book, definitely one to recommend and Sachon an author I'm already looking to read more from.

'Not everything is what it seems' (Amazon review 5/10/23) (Random Things blog tour)

Paula Learmouth

Jenny Watson takes on the job she's always dreamt of, bringing an old pub back to life. What better than a Tudor pub for a Shakespeare Festival. Auditions are set up, but nothing is going to be as easy as she first thought. Trying to convince a small place that a Shakespeare play will be fun and bring everyone together. But it's not just the people that she's finding hard, she also got a feeling that someone is watching her every move, and what's with the skull in the cellar? Nothing is what it seems, as Jenny so finds out. I did find it a bit slow at the beginning but I still enjoyed reading this story. There are Shakespeare quotes at the beginning of each chapter, some I remember from school.

'Creepy Thriller' (Amazon review 10/1023)


So Now Go Tell will appeal to anyone who loves creepy thrillers, but fans of Shakespeare will especially enjoy the many references to his work. This book has an almost gothic feel as Jenny is invited to work in a deserted pub by a mysterious stranger. The Pub, The Old Bell, is as much a character and a suspect, a house with hidden secrets and danger.

Jenny's overall arc is a study in how people's life can be affected by childhood trauma, and it was good to see Jenny begin to embrace life towards the end of the book. There are many suspects to keep us guessing and all loose ends are tied up by the end of the book.

The mystery of the skull found in the cellar forms an interesting subplot. 

There is a lot of Shakespeare and references to Shakespeare, so this might not be a book for people who don't like his work.

I received a copy of this book for a free and unbiased opinion.

Content warning: childhood abuse, references to rape.

'Sachon's writing is nothing short of spectacular' (Blog Tour Review (Random Things Tours), 13/10/23)


I recently  had the pleasure of diving into 'So Now Go Tell' by Susan Sachon, and what a thrilling ride it was! From the very first page, this book had me hooked. It's a true page-turning thriller that delves deep into the realms of darkness, crime and mystery.

Sachon's writing is nothing short of spectacular; it's beautifully crafted and intricately complex. the way she weaves Shakespearean codes into the narrative adds an intriguing layer to the story that kept me engaged and guessing until the very end.

One of the standout features for me was the use of thought-provoking quotes at the beginning of each chapter. these snippets of wisdom added depth and resonance to the tale, making it even more captivating.

I must applaud Susan Sachon for her brilliant debut novel. It's evident that she's a talented storyteller with a knack for creating interesting and multifaceted characters. the plot twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat, and it's a testament to her skill that she managed to maintain my attention throughout . . .

I highly recommend giving it a go; you won't be disappointed!

'This one stands out as being different' - Excerpt from Blog Tour review (Random Things Tours), 16/10/23, mrs Bennettsbookshelf


Thrillers are one of my favourite genres and this one stands out as being very different. At the heart of this tale is a character who loves shakespeare and wants to put on a controversial play at the spooky pub she manages in a new village . . . 

Whilst there were some aspects of the book that I didn't enjoy from a personal point of view, there were more strengths than weaknesses. The book was intelligent, it stands out as being different and was very fulfilling because of the very strong ending. The relationships between characters provided a sense of comfort at the end, albeit relationships were tested throughout and this was a good page turner. finally, there was beauty to be found in the concluding tale and it was highly satisfying to look back and appreciate the many layers which were skilfully created to tell the story.

'A pacy and beautifully written story' (Amazon review 28/7/23)

ML (Amazon Review 28/07/23)

Having received an advance reader copy to review this book, I found it easy to immerse myself in the story and would recommend it to you if you like thrillers. It is an engaging story that starts with a mystery, hinting at something troubled in the main character's past as she struggles to come to terms with being made redundant and trying to achieve her long held dream of directing a Shakesperae play. As she appeares to have been given the chance of a lifetime to fulfil this dream, the story develops and incorporates mysterious events that lead Jenny further into danger, making her more isolated.

Life mirrors art as Jenny delves into the mysteries at the heart of the pub she is managing, and the main from her past with who she finally comes face to face again. the story develops at a steady pace until the final denouement. This is a beautifully written and pacy book which also delves into the history of one of Shakespeare's tragedies.

Book Extracts

How a visit to an RSC exhibition turned into a mystery thriller!

An excerpt from 'So Now Go Tell'.

(Click to View)

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Book Information

Available formats

  • Paperback


  • ISBN: 9781803137605